Halloween Tricks (and Treats)

Mon, 20 Oct by RE/MAX Edmonton

For many this Halloween holiday season will be their first in a house. With sales rates at an all time high this summer, many buyers made the leap from condo or apartment to a home of their own. This means the opportunity to participate in the festivities by decorating, party hosting, or the time honoured tradition of handing out candy.

For seasoned veterens with a backlog of decorations this task may not loom so large on the horizon, but it can be daunting for the rookies with no idea where to start. These links to the cutest and kitschiest party and decorating tips will leave you with a spooktacular house this Halloween without haunting your bank account:

1. Ping Pong Ball Ghost Lights 

Ping Pong Ball Ghost Lights

This is seriously easy and inexpensive. Ping Pong balls sell for $3 at Canadian Tire. And you probably already have Christmas lights and a sharpie lying around somewhere right?

2. Severed Finger Party Invitation

Severed Finger Invitation

Gory, yet strangely artistic, Martha Stewart would never lead you astray. This simple project will make everyone want to RSVP to your holiday event.

3. Haunted House Silhouettes

Haunted House Silhouettes

One of the easiest, and most inexpensive ways to haunt up your house with no artistic skill required! Additionally, this website provides more scary and unique free printable silhouettes to add to this project!

4. Crisp Candy-Corn Treats

Candy Corn Treats

This recipe is a win-win. Let’s face it, nobody really likes candy corn, so why not make it into a delicious childhood favourite.

5. Wall Spiderweb

Wall Spiderweb

As the instructions insist, all TWO items for this project can be bought at the dollar store, but you would never guess this adorable decor was made on a budget.

666. Glowing Eyes


glowing eyes

If you’ve been earth conscious this year and saved up all your old cardboard paper rolls this project can be done in a snap.

7. Bloody Shirley Temples


This party cocktail is simple to make, provides the sugar rush that Halloween is all about, and is alcohol-free for the kiddies.

There’s still time to start looking for a home before the mini-monsters come knocking, CLICK HERE to look for available properties in the area of your choice!