RE/MAX Community Support

RE/MAX associates across Canada and around the world share a sense of community involvement, and take seriously their duty to be caring citizens as well as top real estate professionals.
Over the years, RE/MAX Associates have distinguished themselves as leaders in the their communities, using the RE/MAX Community Care Program to give back to the communities where they work, live, and play.

Premier Community Citizenship
RE/MAX is a front-runner in terms of giving back to the community, often devoting endless support to countless charities and local causes. The RE/MAX sponsorship of Children's Miracle Network is a great example of RE/MAX community citizenship. Since 1992, RE/MAX has been a major contributor to the Children's Miracle Network; a North American fund-raising organization dedicated to generating funds and awareness programs for the benefit of Children served by its over 170 associated hospitals. RE/MAX across Canada raises over $4 million annually on behalf of 14 Canadian children's hospital foundations.

Quest for Excellence Program
As well, RE/MAX of Western Canada created the "Quest for Excellence Program". This bursary program was established to recognize the success and on-going pursuits of Western Canadian students. A "Quest for Excellence" involves any student in Grade 12 who demonstrates passion, commitment and dedication, positive attitude and enthusiasm for on of the 6 categories. RE/MAX presents 24 cash bursaries of $500 each. The categories are Leadership, Sports, Technology and Trades, Fine Arts, Performing Arts and Community Service. RE/MAX is proud to recognize students, in the very communities in which we live and work, for their outstanding achievements. Education is the building block of our future and if the children we hear from every day are any indication, our future has never been brighter.

Organ Donor Awareness
RE/MAX is committed to help raise awareness of the ongoing need for organ donation. CA of T assists Canadians in making informed decisions regarding organ, tissue and bone marrow donation. The site provides some national information regarding organ and tissue donation, but more importantly acts as a portal to the many provincial organizations that are mandated to oversee organ and tissue donation programs across the country.

Yard Sale for the Cure
As a national presenting sponsor of Yard Sale for the Cure, RE/MAX associates support the need to raise funds to find a cure for breast cancer. This one-day event, held the last Saturday each May, is dedicated to hosting yard sales accross the country, with the proceeds going towards breast cancer research and treatment.

RE/MAX Supports The Children's Miracle Network
Since 1983, the Children’s Miracle Network has worked endlessly to fundraise and support Canadian Children’s Hospitals. It is with their help and resources that hundreds of Canadian families have witnessed miracles and found support during difficult times. Their network consists of over 170 Children’s Hospitals, which treat 1 in 10 North American children every year: that's 62 children every minute!
It's through the Miracle Network that Canadian children can receive treatment for diseases such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, birth defects, and physical injuries. From the smallest of injuries, to heartbreaking terminal illnesses, our Network Hospitals stand as pillars of hope for Canadian families.
Thanks to the support and dedication of RE/MAX, the Children’s Miracle Network can continue to make miracles happen in the lives of our future generations. RE/MAX associates have proudly raised over $115 million for the Miracle Network since 1992. In Canada alone, RE/MAX has helped raise over $44 million. Out of the entire RE/MAX organization, RE/MAX of Western Canada is the largest contributing region: for seven consecutive years they donated over $1.7 million each year.
RE/MAX real estate professionals volunteer in their communities, host fundraisers, donate a portion of their sales, and are proud advocates for the Children’s Miracle Network. They are the unsung heroes that help bring positive changes into the lives of sick Canadian children. These individuals provide the Miracle Network with the funds needed for state-of-the-art equipment, programs, and support services to Canadian families.